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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/13/16 Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 31:20-21) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Hezekiah_2_Chronicles_31-20-21.mp3
11/06/16 A Detailed Examination of the Crucifixion Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM A_Detailed_Examination_of_the_Crucifixion.mp3
11/06/16 Open Doors Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Open_Doors.mp3
10/30/16 The Path: Apply, Apply, or Apply (Joshua 1:1-9) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 34_-_The_Path-_Apply_Apply_or_Apply-_Joshua_1-1-9.mp3
10/30/16 What Does God Expect (2 Thessalonians 1:3) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM What_Does_God_Expect-_2_Thessalonians_1-3.mp3
10/23/16 The Path: Treasures, Talents, & Time (Exodus 35-38) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 33_-_The_Path-_Treasures_Talents__Time_Exodus35-38.mp3
10/23/16 How Close Are You? (James 4:7-8) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM How_Close_Are_You-_James_4-7-8.mp3
10/19/16 The Outcome of The Gospel James Farris Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting The_Outcome_of_The_Gospel.mp3
10/18/16 The Plan of The Gospel Jerry Lankford Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting The_Plan_of_The_Gospel.mp3
10/17/16 The Facts of The Gospel Mark Little Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting The_Facts_of_The_Gospel.mp3
10/16/16 The Heart, The Power, The Man (2 Corinthians 5-21) Odis Duncan Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting The_Heart_The_Power_The_Man_2_Corinthians_5-21.mp3
10/16/16 The Need for The Gospel (What Is Sin, And What It Does) Demar Elam Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Sun AM The_Need_for_The_Gospel_What_Is_Sin_And_What_It_Gods.mp3
10/16/16 The Beauty of The Gospel (Grace, Love, & Mercy) Demar Elam Gospel Meeting Fall Gospel Meeting Sun PM The_Beauty_of_The_Gospel_Grace_Love__Mercy.mp3
10/09/16 Victory Ed Rezach Sermon N/A Sun AM Victory.mp3
10/09/16 The Tragedy of the Unopened Gift Marty Griffin Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Tragedy_of_the_Unopened_Gift.mp3
10/02/16 What Is Our Slogan- (Revelation 2, 3) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Is_Our_Slogan-_Revelation_2_3.mp3
10/02/16 Right-handed or Left-handed, It Doesnt Matter (Hebrews 12-2) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Right-handed_or_Left-handed_It_Doesnt_Matter_Hebrews_12-2.mp3
09/25/16 The Path: In or Out, Life or Death, Joshua or Moses (Deuteronomy 27-34) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 32_-_The_Path-_In_or_Out_Life_or_Death_Joshua_or_Moses_Deuteronomy_27-34.mp3
09/25/16 Mistaken Identity (Acts 4:13) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Mistaken_Identity_Acts_4-13.mp3
09/18/16 Formers (Ephesians 2:1-13) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun AM Formers_Ephesians_2-1-13.mp3
09/18/16 Truth In Love (Ephesians 4:15) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Truth_In_Love_Ephesians_4-15.mp3
09/11/16 The Path: The Original Shrek & Donkey (Numbers 22-24) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 31_-_The_Path-_The_Original_Shrek__Donkey_Numbers_22-24.mp3
09/04/16 The Path: Crash Course In Sin And Its Consequences (Numbers 15-21) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 30_-_The_Path-_Crash_Course_In_Sin_And_Its_Consequences_Numbers_15-21.mp3
08/28/16 The Path: Backtrack to WOW (Leviticus 8:4-11) Odis Duncan Sermon The Path Sun AM 29_-_The_Path-_Backtrack_to_WOW_Leviticus_8-4-11.mp3
08/28/16 Information Please (Matthew 13) Odis Duncan Sermon N/A Sun PM Information_Please_Matthew_13.mp3

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