

Is It Scriptural to Withdraw from A Congregation of the Lord’s Church?

     I have known of some that have done this, but I believe their action is incorrect. First, the Bible gives no examples of any New Testament congregation doing so. Secondly, there are no passages that can be used to show this is a New Testament doctrine. Thirdly, the Bible actually indicates this action likely would cause a congregation to “withdraw fellowship” from some members of the Lord’s body that are righteous in the sight of the Lord.

     Revelation 3 discusses the church at Sardis and informs us that in God’s eyes they were dead. If you withdrew fellowship from this congregation, you would be withdrawing fellowship from “a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.” (Verse 4). Those are the words of Jesus spoken through John.

     All of the Biblical texts that speak of “withdrawing” ourselves is speaking of individuals, not congregations. An eldership is challenged from the Lord to “take care of yourselves and of the flock (congregation) over which they have oversight. (Acts 20:28). They may find it necessary to warn the congregation of things happening in other congregations that they believe may be spiritually harmful to their souls.