How Do I Experience God?
How Do I Experience God?
The population of this world often runs through their routines without acknowledging the presence and activity of God. Perhaps that very reality is the most unsettling truth of all. Even those who claim to be religious will buffer it by saying they are “non-practicing” — the equivalent of having a gym membership but not going. Like a bullet train passing through city buildings, so too the pursuits of man blaze past monuments that are intrinsic to the Mighty Creator. So, we are faced with a dilemma, and that dilemma revolves around the inquiry of how man can encounter God. Consider Psalm 136 as a remedy for such a conundrum.
God can be experienced in:
Creation (Ps. 136:4-9) — In this beautifully composed Psalm, the participant of praise is immediately directed to God’s work in creation. Ceasing our motion of pursuit, we come to a position of observation. Looking, hearing, smelling, feeling, and even tasting aspects of creation bring about a natural progression of looking to the Creator. One of the most obvious places to look when seeking God is the world, we live in.
Deliverance (Ps. 136:10-15) — After graduating from a simple observation of God’s power, we tend to understand the magnitude of experiencing God’s power. Such is the case for our deliverance in this life. Can you recall all the ways that God has delivered you? Brought you out or through a situation? For the Israelites, Egypt was ever-present on their hearts. What is your Egypt? What did God save you from?
Prosperity (Ps. 136:16-25) — The easy highway to travel in this life is one of victimhood. Blaming, whining, and criticizing are all actions that demonstrate ingratitude. It is impossible to speak words of grumbling synonymously with an attitude of gratitude. Letting the sorrows of life completely veil the blessings is a way that God can be hidden from the sight of man. But when we remain constant and consistent in thanksgiving, God is more present in our life.
Love (Ps. 136:1-26) — 26 times. 26 times the phrase “His love endures forever” bears down in this emphatic worship to proclaim the wonder of God. The selflessness, care, blessing, patience, endurance, and foresight of God all bolster the love that surpasses the capacity of the human mind. Find those who are truly living the life of a Christian, not those who just wear the title; far too many wear “Christian” as a toll pass to get by. Associate yourself with the authentic Christian and you will see how the love of God vicariously works through humanity. It is through God’s love that we fully experience His inviting presence.