No Greater King
No Greater King
Society and culture alike have compromised obedience in favor of freedom. The latter of the two has become so much of a priority, that submission remains an estranged discipline. Unfortunately, this is not “new” for humanity. It is the same old story that has been written for centuries on end.
As Samuel approached the finale of life, he recognized the need for leaders to continue after him, so he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. While filling the role as leaders, they were actively disobedient to God by taking bribes and twisting justice (1 Sam. 8:3). Upon seeing the evil, the elders of the Israelites took it upon themselves to offer a solution. The nations surrounding Israel all had kings, which invoked a covetous attitude in the elders. The Israelite elders told Samuel, “appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations” (1 Sam. 8:5).
The request of the elders seemed honorable, and even admirable. Though, the problem is rooted more deeply. If one were to keep reading in 1 Samuel 8, God resents their decision because “they have rejected me from being King over them.” In attempting to solve their dilemma, the people of Israel sought an answer outside of God.
Several hundred years later, Paul would argue “let not sin reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions” (Rom. 6:12). While society places a priority on freedom and self-will, they fail to recognize that they are, in reality, serving the master of sin. In denying God as King, we remain subjects and servants to sin. Scripture adamantly reminds us of how good of a King God is. The world is faced with the impossible task of finding a God who loves more, cares more, guides more, and blesses more than the Lord of heaven.