

Right Hand

Right Hand

Thom Vaught

     In no way does this diminish our brothers and sisters who are left-handed, but the “right hand” is special in scripture. If you search for that phrase in your electronic Bible, then you will find that it occurs over a hundred times in most versions (NASB: 126, ESV: 136, NKJV: 158, NIV: 104) in scripture. In fact, the phrase is used in what may be the most often cited Old Testament passage appearing in the New Testament.

The Lord says to my Lord:

“Sit at my right hand,

until I make your enemies your footstool.”

 (Psalm 110:1, ESV)

     Jesus used this passage in Mark 12:35-37 to help those at the temple understand how David recognized the coming Messiah as his Lord. This passage not only speaks to David’s relationship to Jesus but also defines Jesus’ relationship with God. This phrase “right hand” seems archaic to us, but it had a well understood meaning in the time and culture of the scriptures. It was a concept so well understood that the disciples argued over who would sit at the right hand of Jesus (Mark 10:37). Whoever sat at the right hand of the king spoke with the same authority as the king. David reveals through the Spirit that Christ would speak with and have the same authority as God the Father. Regardless of whether you are right-handed or left-handed, take a few moments to read Psalm 110 and meditate on the authority and power of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.