9 Tips for Better Bible Study
9 Tips for Better Bible Study
Tyler King
This past week I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to help counsel at a Preacher Training Camp. Throughout the week, I taught a class on Advanced Bible Study and I wanted to start the days with pieces of advice from some of the men I respect. Here are those pieces of advice:
- Think in terms of a whole book first! You have to see the forest before looking at the trees. Read it in one sitting (a few times at least, more if possible). And notice the themes, words, ideas that repeat.
- Do not use commentaries or concordances. The former you can use AFTER you’ve first thoroughly studied the text if you’d like. The latter should only be used as an index to find a verse you are seeking. Different writers use the same word differently. So do not start running all over scripture looking at a word.
- Ask questions of the text. Go slow. Why did he say that? Why did he say that here? Why did he say this before that? Why did he say this after that? Why did he use that word? Where else in this book/letter has he used that word?
- Corey Sawyers
- Know Key Words.
- Know Overall Context.
- Identify Main Point.
- Denny Petrillo
- Know the Bible story and where the book fits into that story.
- Study books first and passages second.
- Ask how this passage helps the writer get from he started to where he is going.
- Dan Owen