Daniel's Success
Daniel's Success
Corey Sawyers
There are several ways one may define success. How about this: A king honors you, gives you riches, and makes you ruler over the land. That is what happened to Daniel (Dan. 2:46-49), and not just because he interpreted a dream. There were three keys to Daniel’s success.
First, Daniel ASKED God (2:16-18). When faced with a problem, Daniel went to God in prayer. When God’s people go to Him first, they are successful. When they fail to go to Him first, they fail. He also had his three friends pray with him. What a blessing we miss out on when we do not open up to brothers and sisters in Christ. Prayer is powerful (James 5:16), and praying together brings us closer.
Second, Daniel APPRECIATED God (2:19-23). He thanked God when he received help. How often do we turn to God when times are tough and then forget how He helped us? When He blesses us with what we need, do we thank Him? Daniel thanked and praised God for answering his prayers. We need to appreciate Him (I Thes. 5:18).
Third, Daniel ACKNOWLEDGED God (2:26-30). If Daniel was tempted to take credit, he never let on in the slightest. He credited God with his ability and knowledge. We are what we are because of God. He gives us talents and opportunities. When it works, we want the credit. Daniel did not. He wanted God to receive the glory (I Cor. 10:31).
So, how can we be successful like Daniel? We may not have the ability to interpret dreams. Nonetheless, we can all be successful because we can all use the same three keys to success which Daniel used. We can ask God for help, thank Him in all things, and always do all for His glory and honor!