IT could transform the home. IT could transform the church. IT could change the course of this nation. IT even has the power to revolutionize the world. Sadly, IT is often overlooked and neglected. IT is NOT social justice – equality – a vaccine – legislation – law enforcement reform or anything remotely similar to these. IT is far more fundamental than that. Our failure in IT is a primary cause for the need for changes in many of the other areas of life. IT needs to be taught, discipled and mentored.
What is IT? It is…fatherhood. A world full of better husbands, dads and fathers would go a long way in curing many of the world’s ills. Church - we must do better in areas of men's ministry, including helping men to be better dads. Here are just a few of the roles and attributes of real men – godly men – Christian men; real fathers – godly fathers – Christian fathers; dads as God has modeled.
My first role as a father is to be a HUSBAND to my wife and their mother. I am to model what my boys are supposed to be by modeling what THE perfect Father has been to each of us.
The STRENGTH of fatherhood. The real strength behind fatherhood comes from the Lord. It is comforting to know I can lean on Him instead of myself!
The COMPASSION of a father. We may not think of this as a "manly" attribute, but it certainly is. It is both manly and Godly!
The COMMITMENT of a father. There is a great need to be committed in fatherhood; not just to the relationships, but also to the job itself!
The CHARACTER of a father. It must be that of the highest integrity and purest of motives, otherwise, your children will see right through you.
The father as a WORSHIPER. The only way I can be the man, the husband, and father I should be, is if I first seek to honor my Father in Heaven as I live.
The DISCIPLINE of a father. If I have been caught looting and destroying the property of others, they would not have had to post videos asking someone to identify me. My Dad would have already snatched me up and hand delivered me to the authorities. The thing is; he would not have needed to because he had already taught me respect, obedience and how to act. Which flows naturally to…
The TEACHING of a father. If godly fathers reared their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, we would not have a generation that does not know the difference in right and wrong. We cannot let television; the internet or culture rear our children for us. We have tried that and look how it turned out. DADs – please, please, please be dads.
This third Sunday of this month is "Father's Day," a day set aside to honor our dads. As a dad, however, it serves as a reminder of the responsibilities and blessings that come with being a father of 3 and the husband of one. NO, I do not have all the answers. YES, I seem to fail more than I succeed. NO, I am not qualified to tell you how to father – but God is and everything I have shared is based on His manual and His example.