Lip Food
Lip Food
“The lips of the righteous fee many.”
(Proverbs 10:21)
I like to eat. Sometimes that is a problem because it manifests itself in some undesirable ways. Yet I need to eat. You need to eat. Our survival depends on it.
Yet there is an abundance of junk food today. Junk food has virtually no nutritional value. It will lead to obesity and heart disease. The junk food I'm talking about doesn't come from a fast food restaurant. It comes from the fools among us. They shouldn't be teaching (feeding) anyone, yet their mouths continue to spread their poison: "With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor" (Proverbs 11:9).
Thankfully there are righteous people among us, and their words "feed many." That is, if we'll consume the spiritual nutrition they are offering.
Spiritually healthy food is available today. Just like we need to be wise in our culinary choices, so also do we need to be wise in what we consume spiritually. Is the person preaching the Bible? Is he able to confirm what he is saying with "book, chapter and verse"? If it is, eat it. If not, push away from that table. Paul was grateful that the Thessalonian church recognized that his teaching came from God, and so they accepted it (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Today we have preachers who are preaching "the whole purpose of God" (Acts 20:27). Like the righteous man of Proverbs 10, those words can "feed many." That is the 'lip food' we need to consume!
Spiritually unhealthy food is available today. Satan added one word to the words of God, instantly changing it from being healthy to unhealthy (Genesis 3:4). False teachers at Ephesus were teaching things that was destroying the faith of some of the Christians there. As a matter of fact, Paul compares their talk to a fast spreading cancer (2 Timothy 2:17-18). Why did those Christians "eat" what they were teaching? Sadly, they were not as discerning as they needed to be. Satan wants to remove the Bible from our daily diet and replace it with junk food (cf. Luke 8:12).
We're eating. It's obvious. But maybe it is time to reassess our diet.