

Reflections on Worship from A to Z

Reflections on Worship from A to Z

     How great to say with David, "I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord" (Psalm 122:1).  Another psalm also urges, "Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker" (95:6).  Both verses are the attitude of a redeemed, transformed heart.  Worship is not a substitute for daily living, and we may find ourselves primarily or solely focused on assembling to the neglect of Christian duty or evangelism. This, however, does not mean we cannot lose sight of the importance of fulfilling God's command for His people to faithfully worship Him (John 4:24; Heb. 10:24ff).  More than that, as recipients of His grace, we will want to come before Him with what He wants, giving Him our best from an enthusiastic heart. What can help us do that?

A-TTENDANCE (It puts us in the right position-for ourselves, each other, and God)

B-RETHREN (There's a community, communion, and camaraderie in worship)

C-HILDREN (Is there anything sweeter than seeing and hearing them worship?)

D-ELIVERANCE (Delivered for a few moments from the profane, delivered for a lifetime by the Prince of Peace)

E-FFORT (Hardwork, dedication, and preparation truly pay off!)

F-AITHFULNESS (Obedience, consistency, and

G-OSPEL (Bible-centered worship highlights the best news of all time)

H-EAVEN (Worship better prepares us for it, reminds us of it, and gives us a foretaste of it)

I-NTEREST (See "attendance" and "faithfulness"; At some level, you can't fake this)

J-ESUS (We lift Him up, obey Him, and center everything around Him in every service)

K-NOWLEDGE (We seek to know God more and understand Him better, in part, by worship)

L-ISTENING (To God, through His Word, and each other, through the various acts)

M-EMORIES (Young or old, each occasion provides an opportunity to make more of them)

N-OTHING (What's more special, important, fulfilling, and encouraging)

O-PPORTUNITY (Different places and times have been forbidden from what we get to do multiple times per week)

P-ARTICIPATION (Not just in the door and in a seat, but actively taking part)

Q-UALITY (Not measured by voice quality or dynamic speech, but the very best we can with what we bring)

R-ESPONSE (Each time we assemble to worship, we are responding to God and His gospel)

S-ACRIFICE (You cannot properly define worship without it; It may be a sacrifice to come, but it must be an offering when you do)

T-OGETHERNESS (Worship means fellowship and building our common bond)

U-RGENCY (Feeling a pressing need to be here, and then to act on what we hear)

V-ISITORS (These take note of how much worship means to us; They can see and sense it)

W-ONDERFUL (God knew we needed worship, and that can touch us deeply)

X-RAY (Worship should lay our hearts bare and show us ourselves)

Y-OU (The presence of everyone, including you, spells the difference!)

Z-EAL (Passion and enthusiasm is observable, by others and, most of all, by God!)

     Maybe we cannot fully grasp all of why God wants us worshipping Him, but He, as our Creator, knew we would need it to draw us closer to Him and each other. Let's never let anything occupy a higher place in our hearts!