Is the Bible Really the Inspired Word of God?
Is the Bible Really the Inspired Word of God?
The Bible Claims to be the Inspired Word of God – II Tim. 3:16-17. However, this would not matter to someone that does not believe in God because one would not believe these verses were valid.
What are some ways that we can prove the Bible is the inspired word of God? We could use secular historians’ accounts of events in the Bible to show historical accuracy. We could also use archeological discoveries to show its geological accuracy. Another way to show the Bible is the word of God is the scientific foreknowledge found in the Bible. The things we will discuss today could not have been known by the individual writers at the time of their writings without inspiration from God. Many of these ideas were used from
One example of scientific foreknowledge is found in Job 38:16, “Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the recesses of the deep?” One trench off the coast of Guam is about 7 miles deep! How could Job have known about the deep trenches in the Oceans during his time?
Moses wrote in Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood…” How did Moses know that our blood is the life of our flesh? Do you remember how our first President, George Washington, died? He was bled to death because his physicians believed that letting one bleed would make him get well.
Also, God told the Israelites to circumcise their male newborn babies on the eighth day. In Genesis 17:12, God told Abraham, “He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised. Every male throughout your generations…” What is important about circumcising on the eighth day besides doing it that day because God commanded them to? Today, our doctors know that human blood clotting depends on three things: (1) platelets, (2) Vitamin K, and (3) prothrombin. They also know that Vitamin K is responsible for the production of prothrombin, and if there is not enough of it in our blood, our livers could not produce enough prothrombin which could lead to hemorrhaging. Only on the 5th through 7th days of our lives does our bodies produce adequate supplies of Vitamin K. Also, only on the eighth day, the amount of prothrombin is the highest it ever will be in a male’s life and is greater than 100% of normal. Therefore, the eighth day of a male’s life would seem logical to perform this type of procedure.
In Numbers 19, God told the Israelites how to purify the water that was used to wash someone who had touched a dead body. They were instructed to kill a red heifer without any blemish and burn it. Then while it was burning, they were told to add cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet yarn to the fire. In Hebrews 9:19, we’re told that that their scarlet yarn was wool. Some important points about these ingredients follow: lye is produced when water is poured through ashes and is used in some types of soap; hyssop contains the antiseptic thymol; cedar wood oil is a minor skin irritant which would promote scrubbing; and the scarlet wool fibers would have added a rougher texture for exfoliating the skin. When you combine these, you have a natural antibacterial soap. Number 19:9 says, “And a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and deposit them outside the camp in a clean place. And they shall be kept for the water for impurity for the congregation of the people of Israel; it is a sin offering.”
These were just a few examples of the foreknowledge listed in the Bible. How could mankind have known these things in their time without some knowledge from God? These things have been “proven” or have been discovered by us in the last several hundred years!
We believe God did inspire the writers of the Bible; it is important that we pay attention to what he says.