Make Up Your Mind Ahead of Time
Make Up Your Mind Ahead of Time
Do you want to save a lot of time and hassle? The best way is to make decisions now in anticipation of the future. Jesus warned his followers that persecution would come (Luke 21:12-19). Then he told them, “But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves” (Luke 21:14). Jesus knows the value of making prior commitments. By forethought we can anticipate certain situations, and out of our value system we can decide beforehand how we will deal with them. Here are some examples:
Assembling with the Church - When I was growing up, I did not feel I was “made to go to church.” It was a simple fact; a decision was made in advance. We would assemble Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night. Why make the decision each time? If worship and fellowship are important, then make the decision beforehand.
Supporting the Lord’s Work Monetarily - The Bible teaches purposing; planning ahead how much will be given. “First fruits” giving is a demonstration of faith in love for the Lord. Why decide each time? Plan ahead so the Lord won’t get the leftovers.
Living Daily for Jesus - The devil works overtime. By deciding beforehand what companions you will have and not have, where you will go and not go, what you will do and not do, what speech you will use and not use, you can save time and emotional energy. Jesus will be glorified as you let your light shine.
Disciplines for Spiritual Growth - Making a prior commitment to a daily devotional time of Bible Study, prayer and meditation will make growth much easier. Spiritual goal setting works.
Bob Mize