Submitting to Elders
Submitting to Elders
Elders are not infallible, and most of the men I've known who serve as elders do not think they are. On the whole, the rank and file of elders I have known are humble, selfless, sacrificial, magnanimous and spiritual men who embrace the often difficult work of herding and leading that often strong-willed species of us known in biblical terms as "sheep." They are so often second-guessed and may be the most commonly backbitten group of people among God's people. I have found that there are a few-sadly too often a "vocal minority"- who, in practice, are hesitant to submit to eldership's decisions. In my experience, here are some of the reasons why:
- They do not agree with the judgment call(s) made by the eldership
- They do not understand why the elders have decided as they have
- They feel they would or could handle a situation better than the elders did
- They feel that they would be immune from perceived pressures or weaknesses
- They see some deficiency in them
Such attitudes are very frustrating to encounter. I would go so far as say that these are bad attitudes. They reflect more on the sheep than the shepherds. Here is what these often fail to understand:
- The elders probably have privy to more information than them
- They are likely privy to sensitive information they cannot share
- They are almost always involved in more than anyone else
- Since they will give an account to God for their work, they face the reality of making choices for which they have to answer
- They submitted to a congregational process and found qualified to lead
We are commanded to submit to them, and that necessarily implies in matters of judgment even when we do not agree with their judgment. The vast majority of elders are sensitive to the concerns and objections they hear from the sheep. Should we not exercise an equal measure of humility, selflessness, sacrifice, magnanimity and spirituality in our words and attitudes regarding our shepherds. Remember, "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you" (Hebrews 13:17).